Top verbs That Starting with B with examples
Top 10 verbs that start with B with examples: action verb, positive verb, strong verb, question verb, negative verb and 390 list of verb.
Bake - She likes to bake fresh bread every morning.
Build - They plan to build a new house on that empty lot.
Brush - He brushed his teeth before going to bed.
Breathe - It's essential to breathe deeply during yoga practice.
Break - Don't break that vase; it's valuable!
Buy - I need to buy groceries for dinner tonight.
Believe - I believe in the power of positive thinking.
Bring - Can you bring the documents to the meeting tomorrow?
Begin - Let's begin the project as soon as possible.
Behave - Children should learn how to behave politely in public.
Explore more verbs that start with:
Top 10 action verbs that start with B with examples
Bounce - The basketball bounced off the court.
Bite - Be careful; that dog might bite!
Build - They plan to build a new house next year.
Breathe - It's essential to breathe deeply during yoga.
Brush - I need to brush my teeth before bed.
Balance - He managed to balance on one foot for a minute.
Break - She accidentally broke the vase.
Blink - Don't forget to blink regularly to keep your eyes moist.
Bend - He had to bend the metal to create the sculpture.
Boil - The water will boil in a few minutes for the pasta.
Top 10 verbs that start with "B" with question sentence examples
Bake - Did you bake a cake for the party?
Build - Are you planning to build a new house?
Buy - Have you bought groceries for the week?
Break - Did you break the vase accidentally?
Bring - Can you bring me a glass of water, please?
Begin - When will you begin your new project?
Believe - Do you believe in ghosts?
Borrow - May I borrow your pen for a moment?
Bet - Are you willing to bet on the outcome of the game?
Brush - Did you remember to brush your teeth this morning?
Top 10 positive verbs that start with "B" with examples
Blossom - The flowers began to blossom in the spring.
Build - They plan to build a new community center in the neighborhood.
Believe - I believe in your ability to succeed.
Brighten - Her smile can brighten even the gloomiest of days.
Beautify - The landscaping project will beautify the park.
Bless - May good fortune bless you on your journey.
Boost - Regular exercise can boost your energy levels.
Celebrate - We will celebrate your achievements at the party tonight.
Benefit - Eating a balanced diet can benefit your health.
Bring - Let's bring positive change to our community through volunteering.
Top 10 verbs that start with "B" with negative sentence examples
Bake - She didn't bake cookies for the party.
Build - They won't build a new house this year.
Breathe - He couldn't breathe in the smoky room.
Break - She didn't break the vase on purpose.
Bury - We won't bury the treasure in this location.
Believe - I don't believe his story about aliens.
Boil - The water didn't boil quickly on the cold stove.
Bet - I wouldn't bet on that horse; it's not a good choice.
Blame - She didn't blame him for the mistake.
Bounce - The ball didn't bounce as high as expected.
List of Verbs that begin with B
- Babble
- Back
- Backfire
- Backslide
- Bail
- Bait
- Bake
- Balance
- Ballarat
- Ballast
- Ballotade
- Balter
- Bamboozle
- Ban
- Band
- Bandage
- Bang
- Banish
- Bank
- Banter
- Baptize
- Bar
- Bard
- Bargain
- Bargainee
- Bark
- Barrack
- Barricade
- Barrow
- Barter
- Base
- Bash
- Bask
- Baste
- Bat
- Batful
- Bathe
- Batter
- Battle
- Bawl
- Be
- Beach
- Bead
- Beal
- Beam
- Bear
- Beat
- Beath
- Beatify
- Bebleed
- Beblood
- Beblot
- Beblubber
- Beclap
- Beclip
- Become
- Becripple
- Becurl
- Bed
- Bedabble
- Bedaff
- Bedaggle
- Bedash
- Bedeck
- Bedevil
- Before
- Bedrabble
- Bedrench
- Bedribble
- Bedrizzle
- Bedrop
- Bedrug
- Beduck
- Bedung
- Bust
- Been
- Beflatter
- Beflower
- Befortune
- Befrill
- Befringe
- Beg
- Begem
- Beget
- Begin
- Beginning
- Begird
- Begirdle
- Begnaw
- Begod
- Belgrave
- Begrease
- Behave
- Behead
- Behold
- Behoof
- Behowl
- Being
- Bejade
- Bejape
- Bejewel
- Bejumble
- Beknave
- Beknow
- Belace
- Belam
- Belate
- Belaud
- Belch
- Belecture
- Belle
- Belper
- Belibel
- Believe
- Belight
- Belime
- Belittle
- Belk
- Bell
- Bellow
- Belock
- Belong
- Belt
- Bemangle
- Bemask
- Bemaul
- Bemean
- Bemete
- Bemingle
- Bemist
- Bemoil
- Bemonster
- Bemourn
- Bemuddle
- Bemuffle
- Bemuse
- Bename
- Bench
- Bend
- Benefit
- Beneme
- Benim
- Benumb
- Bepaint
- Bepelt
- Bepinch
- Bepommel
- Bepowder
- Bepraise
- Beprose
- Bepurple
- Bequeath
- Bequote
- Berain
- Berattle
- Beray
- Bereave
- Berhyme
- Berime
- Berob
- Berth
- Besaint
- Bescatter
- Bescorn
- Bescratch
- Bescrawl
- Bescreen
- Beseech
- Beseek
- Beshine
- Beshroud
- Besiege
- Beslabber
- Beslave
- Beslaver
- Beslime
- Beslobber
- Beslubber
- Besmut
- Besnow
- Besnuff
- Besort
- Bespangle
- Bespawl
- Bespew
- Bespice
- Bespurt
- Best
- Bestain
- Bestar
- Bestick
- Bestill
- Bestow
- Bestreak
- Bestud
- Bet
- Betake
- Bete
- Bethrall
- Bethumb
- Bethump
- Betitle
- Betongue
- Betoss
- Betrap
- Betray
- Betrim
- Betroth
- Betrust
- Better
- Betutor
- Bevel
- Beware
- Bewash
- Beweep
- Bewhore
- Bewig
- Bewilder
- Bewinter
- Bewitch
- Bewonder
- Bewrap
- Bewreck
- Bezzle
- Bicker
- Bicycle
- Bid
- Bigging
- Bike
- Bill
- Bind
- Birth
- Bisect
- Bisie
- Bit
- Bitake
- Bite
- Bivouac
- Blab
- Black
- Blacken
- Blackmail
- Blame
- Blanch
- Blank
- Blare
- Blaspheme
- Blast
- Blatter
- Blaze
- Blazon
- Bleach
- Bleat
- Bleed
- Blemish
- Blend
- Bless
- Blight
- Blind
- Blink
- Blissom
- Block
- Blockade
- Bloom
- Blossom
- Blote
- Blow
- Blubber
- Bludgeon
- Blue
- Bluff
- Blunder
- Blunge
- Blunt
- Blur
- Blurt
- Blush
- Board
- Boast
- Boat
- Body
- Bog
- Bogue
- Boil
- Bolden
- Bolling
- Bolster
- Bolt
- Bomb
- Bombard
- Bone
- Bonify
- Boo
- Book
- Boost
- Boot
- Booze
- Border
- Bore
- Born
- Borrow
- Boss
- Botanize
- Botch
- Bother
- Bottle
- Bottom
- Bouge
- Bounce
- Bound
- Bouy
- Bow
- Bowge
- Bowl
- Bowne
- Bowssen
- Box
- Boxhaul
- Boycott
- Brace
- Brag
- Braid
- Brain
- Brainwash
- Brake
- Branch
- Brandish
- Brave
- Bray
- Break
- Breakfast
- Breathe
- Breed
- Breeze
- Brew
- Bribe
- Brick
- Bridge
- Bridle
- Brief
- Brighten
- Brim
- Bring
- Bristle
- Brite
- Broadcast
- Brocade
- Broid
- Bromize
- Bronze
- Brood
- Browbeat
- Brown
- Browse
- Bruise
- Brush
- Brustle
- Brutalize
- Brutify
- Bubble
- Buck
- Buckle
- Buddy
- Budge
- Budget
- Buff
- Bug
- Build
- Bulk
- Bully
- Bump
- Bunch
- Bundle
- Bungle
- Bunk
- Burden
- Burgle
- Burn
- Burnish
- Burow
- Burst
- Bury
- Bus
- Busk
- Bust
- Butter
- Button
- Buttress
- Buy
- Bypass
The Top of common verbs beginning with the letter 'B' are mentioned. likewise, numerous fresh English verbs begin with this letter. Visit our Spoken English Conversation to learn further about them.
You can also read our for numerous helpful hints on how to enhance your English vocabulary, alphabet, and pronunciation. I hope these exemplifications are helpful!
Top 10 strong verbs that start with the letter "B" with examples
Burst - The balloon burst with a loud pop.
Bend - She had to bend the metal rod to shape it correctly.
Break - He accidentally broke the vase when he knocked it off the table.
Build - They plan to build a new house on that empty lot.
Bring - Please bring me a glass of water from the kitchen.
Bite - The dog will bite if you get too close to its food.
Beat - He practiced hard to beat his opponent in the race.
Bind - The book's pages are bound together with a leather cover.
Burn - The fire began to burn brightly in the fireplace.
Bleed - She cut her finger, and it started to bleed.