Top Verbs That Starting With D With Examples

Top Verbs That Starting With D With Examples

Top Verbs That Starting With D With Examples "List of the 10 most commonly used verb forms beginning with 'B' along with examples: active verb, affirmative verb, powerful verb, interrogative verb, and negative.

Top 10 Action verbs that start with D with examples

Dance - She loves to dance to her favorite songs.

Drive - He will drive us to the airport tomorrow.

Dive - The diver will plunge into the deep ocean.

Dig - They need to dig a hole for the new tree.

Draw - She can draw a beautiful picture of a sunset.

Dismantle - They will dismantle the old car for parts.

Dress - He needs to dress in a suit for the formal event.

Defend - The soldiers will defend the country from invaders.

Deliver - The courier will deliver the package today.

Discuss - We should discuss our plans for the project.

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Top 10 verb that start with D with Questions examples

Dance - Would you like to dance with me at the party?

Drive - Can you drive me to the airport tomorrow?

Dine - Would you like to dine at that new restaurant downtown?

Discuss - Can we discuss the project during the meeting?

Dream - What do you usually dream about when you sleep?

Dive - Have you ever dared to dive from a high platform?

Discover - Did you discover any interesting places during your trip?

Dwell - Where do you dwell when you're not traveling?

Dress - What will you dress up as for the costume party?

Doubt - Do you ever doubt your own abilities?

Top 10 Positive verbs that start with D with examples

Delight - Her performance on stage delighted the audience.

Dazzle - The fireworks display dazzled everyone with its colors.

Dedicate - He decided to dedicate his time to a charitable cause.

Empower - Education can empower individuals to achieve their dreams.

Determine - She was determined to overcome any obstacles in her way.

Dazzle - The sunrise over the mountains never fails to dazzle me.

Dance - They danced all night to celebrate their success.

Develop - He aimed to develop his skills through continuous practice.

Discover - Exploring new places allows you to discover hidden treasures.

Dream - It's important to dream big and pursue your passions.

Top 10 verb that start with D with Negative examples

Dance - She refused to dance with anyone.

Dine - He didn't want to dine out; he preferred to cook at home.

Drive - She can't drive because her license is suspended.

Deliver - They failed to deliver the promised results.

Decide - They couldn't decide on a movie to watch.

Dive - She was too scared to dive from the high platform.

Dabble - He only dabbles in his studies and doesn't take them seriously.

Discuss - They refused to discuss the issue any further.

Detect - They couldn't detect any signs of life in the area.

Deter - The warning didn't deter them from attempting the theft.

450+ List of Verbs that Begin with D

  1. Dab
  2. Dabble
  3. Dade
  4. Dadle
  5. Daff
  6. Daintify
  7. Dally
  8. Dam
  9. Damage
  10. Damascene
  11. Damask
  12. Damaskeen
  13. Damasken
  14. Damn
  15. Damnify
  16. Damp
  17. Dampen
  18. Dampne
  19. Dance
  20. Dander
  21. Dandify
  22. Dandle
  23. Dandyise
  24. Dang
  25. Dangle
  26. Dap
  27. Dapple
  28. Dare
  29. Dark
  30. Darken
  31. Darkle
  32. Darn
  33. Darraign
  34. Darrain
  35. Dart
  36. Dash
  37. Date
  38. Daub
  39. Dawdle
  40. Dawn
  41. Daydream
  42. Dazzle
  43. Deacon
  44. Dead
  45. Deaden
  46. Deafen
  47. Deal
  48. Dealbate
  49. Deambulate
  50. Dear
  51. Dearn
  52. Dearticulate
  53. Deaurate
  54. Deave
  55. Debacchate
  56. Debar
  57. Debarb
  58. Debark
  59. Debarrass
  60. Debase
  61. Debate
  62. Debauch
  63. Debauchee
  64. Debel
  65. Debellate
  66. Debilitate
  67. Debit
  68. Debituminize
  69. Debosh
  70. Debouch
  71. Debulliate
  72. Debunk
  73. Deburse
  74. Debut
  75. Decalcify
  76. Decamp
  77. Decant
  78. Decantate
  79. Decapitate
  80. Decarbonate
  81. Decarbonize
  82. Decarburize
  83. Decay
  84. Decease
  85. Deceive
  86. Decentralize
  87. Decide
  88. Decimalize
  89. Decimate
  90. Decipher
  91. Declaim
  92. Declare
  93. Decline
  94. Declutch
  95. Decode
  96. Decompose
  97. Decompress
  98. Decongest
  99. Decorate
  100. Decrease
  101. Decree
  102. Decrest
  103. Decry
  104. Dedicate
  105. Deduce
  106. Deduct
  107. Deem
  108. Deepen
  109. Defame
  110. Defeat
  111. Defecate
  112. Defect
  113. Defend
  114. Defer
  115. Define
  116. Deflagrate
  117. Deflate
  118. Deflect
  119. Deflower
  120. Defoliate
  121. Deforest
  122. Deform
  123. Defraud
  124. Defray
  125. Defreeze
  126. Defy
  127. Degenerate
  128. Degrade
  129. Dehorn
  130. Dehumanize
  131. Dehydrate
  132. Deify
  133. Deign
  134. Delay
  135. Delegate
  136. Delete
  137. Deliberate
  138. Delight
  139. Delimit
  140. Delineate
  141. Deliver
  142. Delouse
  143. Delude
  144. Delve
  145. Demagnetize
  146. Demand
  147. Dematerialize
  148. Demobilize
  149. Democratize
  150. Demolish
  151. Demonstrate
  152. Demoralize
  153. Demote
  154. Demystify
  155. Denationalize
  156. Denature
  157. Denigrate
  158. Denominate
  159. Denote
  160. Denounce
  161. Dent
  162. Denude
  163. Deny
  164. Deoxidize
  165. Depart
  166. Depend
  167. Depict
  168. Depilate
  169. Deplete
  170. Deplore
  171. Deploy
  172. Depopulate
  173. Deport
  174. Depose
  175. Deposit
  176. Deprave
  177. Depreciate
  178. Depress
  179. Deprive
  180. Derail
  181. Derive
  182. Derogate
  183. Descend
  184. Describe
  185. Desecrate
  186. Desert
  187. Deserve
  188. Design
  189. Desire
  190. Despatch
  191. Despoil
  192. Despond
  193. Destroy
  194. Destruct
  195. Detach
  196. Detail
  197. Detain
  198. Detect
  199. Deteriorate
  200. Determine
  201. Detest
  202. Dethrone
  203. Detonate
  204. Detoxicate
  205. Devalue
  206. Devastate
  207. Develop
  208. Deviate
  209. Devise
  210. Devitalize
  211. Devolve
  212. Devote
  213. Devour
  214. Diabolify
  215. Diabolize
  216. Diadem
  217. Diagnose
  218. Diagnosticate
  219. Diagram
  220. Dial
  221. Dialogize
  222. Dialogue
  223. Dialyse
  224. Dialyze
  225. Diamondize
  226. Diazotize
  227. Dib
  228. Dibble
  229. Dice
  230. Dich
  231. Dichotomize
  232. Dicker
  233. Dictate
  234. Diddle
  235. Die
  236. Differ
  237. Difference
  238. Differentiate
  239. Difficilitate
  240. Difficultate
  241. Diffide
  242. Diffind
  243. Diffine
  244. Diffract
  245. Diffuse
  246. Dig
  247. Dight
  248. Digit
  249. Digitate
  250. Dilapidate
  251. Dilate
  252. Dilute
  253. Dim
  254. Diminish
  255. Dine
  256. Dip
  257. Direct
  258. Dirty
  259. Disable
  260. Disabuse
  261. Disagree
  262. Disappear
  263. Disappoint
  264. Disapprove
  265. Disarm
  266. Disarticulate
  267. Disband
  268. Disburse
  269. Discard
  270. Discern
  271. Discharge
  272. Discipline
  273. Disclaim
  274. Disclose
  275. Discolor
  276. Discompose
  277. Disconcert
  278. Disconnect
  279. Discontinue
  280. Discount
  281. Discourage
  282. Discourse
  283. Discover
  284. Discredit
  285. Discriminate
  286. Discrown
  287. Discuss
  288. Disdain
  289. Disembark
  290. Disembowel
  291. Disenchant
  292. Disengage
  293. Disentagle
  294. Disentangle
  295. Disfigure
  296. Disgorge
  297. Disgrace
  298. Disguise
  299. Disgust
  300. Dish
  301. Dishevel
  302. Dishonour
  303. Disillusion
  304. Disinfect
  305. Disinherit
  306. Disintegrate
  307. Disjoint
  308. Dislike
  309. Dislocate
  310. Dismantle
  311. Dismast
  312. Dismay
  313. Dismember
  314. Dismiss
  315. Dismount
  316. Disobey
  317. Disorganize
  318. Disorient
  319. Disorientate
  320. Disown
  321. Disparage
  322. Dispatch
  323. Dispense
  324. Disperse
  325. Displace
  326. Displant
  327. Display
  328. Displease
  329. Dispose
  330. Dispossess
  331. Disprove
  332. Dispute
  333. Disqualify
  334. Disregard
  335. Disrupt
  336. Dissatisfy
  337. Dissect
  338. Disseminate
  339. Dissent
  340. Dissipate
  341. Dissociate
  342. Dissolve
  343. Dissuade
  344. Distend
  345. Distil
  346. Distill
  347. Distinguish
  348. Distort
  349. Distract
  350. Distress
  351. Distribute
  352. Distrust
  353. Disturb
  354. Disunite
  355. Dive
  356. Diverge
  357. Diversify
  358. Divert
  359. Divide
  360. Divorce
  361. Divulge
  362. Do
  363. Doat
  364. Dock
  365. Docket
  366. Docquet
  367. Doctor
  368. Doctorate
  369. Document
  370. Dodder
  371. Dodge
  372. Doer
  373. Doff
  374. Dog
  375. Dogmatize
  376. Dole
  377. Dolomize
  378. Dolt
  379. Domesticate
  380. Domicile
  381. Domiciliate
  382. Domify
  383. Dominate
  384. Donate
  385. Doodle
  386. Doom
  387. Doorstep
  388. Dop
  389. Dope
  390. Dose
  391. Dot
  392. Dotage
  393. Dotard
  394. Dote
  395. Dotterel
  396. Double
  397. Doubt
  398. Download
  399. Doze
  400. Drab
  401. Drabble
  402. Draft
  403. Drag
  404. Draggle
  405. Dragoon
  406. Drail
  407. Drain
  408. Draining
  409. Dram
  410. Dramatize
  411. Drape
  412. Draught
  413. Draw
  414. Drawbore
  415. Drawl
  416. Dread
  417. Dream
  418. Drecche
  419. Dredge
  420. Dree
  421. Drein
  422. Drench
  423. Drenche
  424. Dress
  425. Dretch
  426. Dreul
  427. Dribble
  428. Drie
  429. Drift
  430. Drill
  431. Drink
  432. Drip
  433. Drip-feed
  434. Drive
  435. Drivel
  436. Drizzle
  437. Drone
  438. Droop
  439. Drop
  440. Drown
  441. Drowse
  442. Drug
  443. Drum
  444. Dry
  445. Dub
  446. Dubitate
  447. Duck
  448. Dudder
  449. Due
  450. Duel
  451. Duff
  452. Duke
  453. Dulce
  454. Dulcify
  455. Dulcorate
  456. Dull
  457. Dumb
  458. Dumbfound
  459. Dumfound
  460. Dumfounder
  461. Dump
  462. Dumple
  463. Dun
  464. Duncify
  465. Dung
  466. Dungeon
  467. Dunk
  468. Dup
  469. Dupe
  470. Duplicate
  471. Duress
  472. Dusk
  473. Dusken
  474. Dust
  475. Dwaul
  476. Dwell
  477. Dwindle
  478. Dwine
  479. Dye
  480. Dynamite

Top 10 strong verbs that start with D with examples

Dwell - to live in a particular place

Example: She used to dwell in a small cottage by the river.

Drench - to soak something completely with a liquid

Example: The sudden rain drenched us during our picnic.

Dare - to have the courage to do something

Dwell - to live in a particular place

Example: She used to dwell in a small cottage by the river.

Drench - to soak something completely with a liquid

Example: The sudden rain drenched us during our picnic.

Dare - to have the courage to do something

Example: I dare you to jump into the cold water!

Dig - to break up, move, or remove earth, using a tool or your hands

Example: We need to dig a hole to plant the tree.

Dive - to plunge headfirst into water

Example: The athlete will dive into the pool in the next race.

Drive - to operate and control the movement of a vehicle

Example: He likes to drive his car at high speeds.

Draw - to produce a picture or diagram by making lines and marks

Example: She can draw beautiful landscapes.

Drown - to die by suffocating in water

Example: We must be careful while swimming not to drown.

Dazzle - to greatly impress or astonish someone

Example: Her performance on stage dazzled the audience.

Destroy - to completely ruin or demolish something

Example: The tornado can destroy entire buildings in seconds.


The Top of common verbs beginning with the letter 'D' are mentioned. likewise, numerous fresh English verbs begin with this letter. Visit our Spoken English Conversation to learn further about them.

You can also read our for numerous helpful hints on how to enhance your English vocabulary, alphabet, and pronunciation. I hope these exemplifications are helpful!

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