Top Verbs That Starting With T With Examples
Top Verbs That Starting With 'T' With Examples: Top 10 verb, dynamic verb, affirmative verb, powerful verb, interrogative verb, and negative verb.
Top 10 verbs that start with T with examples
Talk - She likes to talk about her travels.
Take - Please take a seat.
Think - I need some time to think about it.
Try - I want to try a new hobby.
Teach - He teaches math at the local school.
Tell - Can you tell me the time?
Travel - They love to travel to exotic places.
Transform - The caterpillar will transform into a butterfly.
Taste - This dish tastes delicious.
Terminate - The company decided to terminate the contract.
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Top 10 Action Verbs that Start with T with Examples
Talk - She talked to her friend for hours.
Travel - They plan to travel around Europe next summer.
Teach - The teacher will teach us algebra.
Think - I need more time to think about it.
Take - Please take this book to the library.
Taste - Try this dish; it tastes delicious.
Touch - He touched the surface to check its temperature.
Turn - She turned the key to start the car.
Throw - He can throw a baseball really far.
Try - Don't be afraid to try new things.
Top 10 verbs that start with T with Question examples
Talk - Can you talk to me about your favorite book?
Teach - What subjects do you teach at school?
Travel - Have you ever traveled to a foreign country?
Think - What do you think is the best solution to this problem?
Taste - How does this dish taste to you?
Try - Will you try to solve this puzzle?
Take - Can you take me to the nearest hospital?
Tell - Can you tell me a funny story from your childhood?
Test - Are you ready to take the final exam tomorrow?
Touch - Have you ever touched a wild animal?
Top 10 Positive verbs that start with T with examples
Talk - She talks to her friends every day.
Take - He takes his dog for a walk.
Teach - The teacher teaches math to the students.
Travel - They love to travel to exotic places.
Think - I think this plan will work.
Try - I will try my best to succeed.
Tell - She tells interesting stories.
Test - They test the new product thoroughly.
Terminate - They terminate the contract after negotiation.
Transform - The caterpillar transforms into a butterfly.
Top 10 verbs that start with T with Negative examples
Talk - She doesn't talk to her coworkers.
Take - He doesn't take his responsibilities seriously.
Teach - He doesn't teach them properly.
Travel - She doesn't like to travel alone.
Think - He doesn't think before he acts.
Try - He didn't even try to help.
Tell - He doesn't tell the truth.
Test - He didn't test the equipment before using it.
Terminate - They don't terminate employees without cause.
Transform - The weather doesn't transform as expected.
180+ List of Verbs that Begin with T
- Toss
- Tighten
- Top
- Transfer
- Transform
- Tack
- Tackle
- Tailor
- Take
- Talk
- Tally
- Tame
- Tap
- Target
- Teach
- Tear
- Tell
- Tempt
- Tend
- Terminate
- Test
- Thank
- Thicken
- Think
- Threaten
- Thrill
- Thrive
- Throw
- Tie
- Tilt
- Tire
- Tolerate
- Touch
- Tow
- Trace
- Trade
- Train
- Translate
- Transmit
- Transport
- Trap
- Travel
- Treat
- Trigger
- Trim
- Trust
- Try
- Tune
- Turn
- Tweak
- Tabulate
- Tag
- Tail
- Taint
- Tamper
- Tan
- Tangle
- Taper
- Tar
- Tariff
- Tarnish
- Taste
- Tato
- Taunt
- Tax
- Team
- Tease
- Teem
- Telegraph
- Telephone
- Televize
- Temper
- Temporize
- Tender
- Term
- Terrify
- Terrorize
- Testify
- Tetanize
- Text
- Thatch
- Thaw
- Theorize
- Thin
- Thrash
- Thread
- Threat
- Throb
- Throttle
- Thrum
- Thrust
- Thumb
- Thunder
- Thwart
- Tick
- Tickle
- Tide
- Tidy
- Tile
- Timber
- Time
- Tinge
- Tinkle
- Tint
- Tip
- Tipple
- Toast
- Toboggan
- Toddle
- Toll
- Tone
- Tool
- Topple
- Torment
- Torpedo
- Torture
- Total
- Totter
- Toughen
- Tousle
- Titillate
- Title
- Tot
- Tout
- Transcend
- Treasure
- Triumph
- Trustee
- Tutor
- Twinkle
- Trip
- Truss
- Transgress
- Trample
- Turf
- Transfix
- Tremble
- Transplant
- Transpose
- Tattoo
- Type
- Twitch
- Travesty
- Twist
- Trickle
- Toy
- Trot
- Trouble
- Triangulate
- Trumpet
- Transmute
- Tuck
- Transpire
- Trick
- Tumefy
- Tube
- Trench
- Transfuse
- Trepan
- Tumble
- Transmigrate
- Truncate
- Track
- Trump
- Triple
- Transfigure
- Tun
- Trespass
- Tyrannize
- Trail
- Twire
- Traipse
- Tier
- Tenant
- Tamp
- Tread
- Total
- Taste
- Telecast
- Tine
- Typeset