Top Verbs That Starting With P With Examples
Below are examples of the Top Verbs That Starting With "P" With Examples including action verbs, positive verbs, strong verbs, question verbs, and negative verbs:
Top 10 verbs that start with P with examples
Ponder - She spent hours pondering the meaning of life.
Procrastinate - He tends to procrastinate when it comes to completing assignments.
Persist - Despite the obstacles, she persisted in achieving her goals.
Pretend - The children like to pretend they're pirates on the playground.
Perceive - People may perceive situations differently based on their experiences.
Praise - He wanted to praise her for her hard work and dedication.
Paddle - They decided to paddle across the serene lake.
Promote - The company plans to promote several employees this year.
Plant - They wanted to plant flowers in their garden this spring.
Persuade - She tried to persuade him to join the hiking trip.
Explore more verbs that start with:

Top 10 Action verbs that start with P with Examples
Pounce - The cat pounced on the mouse.
Push - He pushed the heavy door open.
Pull - She pulled the rope to raise the flag.
Paddle - They paddled their canoe down the river.
Play - The children played in the park.
Pray - She prayed for good health.
Paint - He painted a beautiful landscape.
Plant - They planted flowers in the garden.
Punch - He punched the boxing bag with force.
Protest - The citizens protested against the new law.
370+ List of Verbs that Start with P
- Promote
- Publish
- Put
- Precut
- Prepay
- Participate
- Pay
- Penetrate
- Perceive
- Persist
- Persuade
- Place
- Plan
- Pledge
- Pause
- Preserve
- Punish
- Push
- Pour
- Paint
- Park
- Part
- Pass
- Paste
- Peel
- Perform
- Permit
- Pick
- Pinch
- Play
- Plug
- Point
- Practise
- Pray
- Prepare
- Press
- Pretend
- Prevent
- Produce
- Promise
- Protect
- Provide
- Pull
- Punch
- Pop
- Pose
- Possess
- Post
- Praise
- Prefer
- Present
- Proceed
- Prohibit
- Prompt
- Propose
- Prove
- Purchase
- Pursue
- Pace
- Pacify
- Pack
- Pact
- Pad
- Paddle
- Padlock
- Pain
- Paint
- Pair
- Palaver
- Palliate
- Palm
- Pamper
- Pan
- Panel
- Pant
- Parade
- Paralyse
- Paralyze
- Paraphrase
- Pardon
- Pare
- Park
- Parley
- Parody
- Part
- Participate
- Particularize
- Partition
- Pass
- Paste
- Pasteurize
- Pasture
- Program
- Pump
- Puncture
- Penalized
- Precluded
- Permitted
- Pervading
- Purled
- Perforated
- Posted
- Personified
- Presaged
- Pleased
- Patrolled
- Paralyze
- Polling
- Pleasure
- Pinpointed
- Propelled
- Purchased
- Pat
- Patch
- Patent
- Patrol
- Patronize
- Patter
- Pause
- Pave
- Paw
- Pay
- Pearl
- Peck
- Pedal
- Peddle
- Peek
- Peel
- Peep
- Peg
- Penalize
- Penetrate
- Pension
- Pepper
- Perceive
- Perch
- Percolate
- Peregrinate
- Perfect
- Perforate
- Perform
- Perfume
- Perish
- Perk
- Permeate
- Permit
- Perpetrate
- Perpetuate
- Persecute
- Persevere
- Persist
- Personalize
- Personify
- Perspire
- Persuade
- Pertain
- Perturb
- Peruse
- Pervade
- Pervert
- Pester
- Pet
- Peter
- Petition
- Petrify
- Philosophize
- Phone
- Phosphorate
- Photograph
- Phrase
- Pick
- Picket
- Picture
- Pierce
- Pack
- Paddle
- Pat
- Peck
- Pedal
- Peep
- Phone
- Pine
- Plant
- Please
- Poke
- Polish
- Preach
- Precede
- Prick
- Polished
- Predicted
- Positioned
- Publicized
- Proposed
- Partnered
- Published
- Piloted
- Prioritized
- Printed
- Produced
- Palliate
- Pamphlet
- Palate
- Palisade
- Palpate
- Palter
- Padlock
- Pact
- Palaver
- Pamphleteer
- Paladiumize
- Pace
- Pamper
- Palisado
- Palatinate
- Paganize
- Palatalize
- Palmer
- Palsy
- Pacify
- Pageant
- Pairing
- Pal
- Palp
- Pall
- Pale
- Palpitate
- Pad
- Pent
- Pedestrianize
- Pearl
- Pell
- Peenge
- Pectize
- Peninsulate
- Peal
- Penalize
- Pendulate
- Peak
- Pedagogue
- Peculiarize
- Peer
- Peculate
- Pend
- Peise
- Peen
- Pedantize
- Pelt
- Penance
- Peek
- Peptonize
- Phlogisticate
- Philosophize
- Pheese
- Phrensy
- Phosphorize
- Philippize
- Philander
- Physiognomize
- Phosphorate
- Phosphoresce
- Phonetize
- Physiologize
- Philologize
- Phlebotomize
- Ping
- Pillorize
- Pinnacle
- Pip
- Pike
- Pipeclay
- Pin
- Pierce
- Pickle
- Pimp
- Pilgrim
- Pliant
- Plait
- Planch
- Plane
- Plate
- Platonize
- Plague
- Platinize
- Plaster
- Pliable
- Plein
- Plateau
- Plain
- Plat
- Plead
- Plebeianize
- Plenish
- Plagiary
- Plank
- Plash
- Planish
- Platitudinize
- Plancher
- Pleat
- Plagiarize
- Pontificate
- Poetize
- Polytheize
- Polygamize
- Ponderate
- Pole
- Ponder
- Poach
- Pollenize
- Pollinate
- Poise
- Pomp
- Pollute
- Poniard
- Pollard
- Polarize
- Pommel
- Polymerize
- Preclude
- Preacquaint
- Precompose
- Precalculate
- Precept
- Practice
- Praetermit
- Preamble
- Prattle
- Prank
- Prebendate
- Preachify
- Preact
- Pragmatize
- Precaution
- Precipitate
- Preambulate
- Practicalize
- Preconceive
- Prate
- Prearm
- Precogitate
- Preadvertise
- Psalm
- Pshaw
- Psalmodize
- Pudder
- Pugging
- Pupate
- Pumicate
- Punter
- Pucker
- Pulp
- Pugger
- Publicize
- Pulverize
- Pulley
- Pungent
- Pue
- Pulverate
- Pyritize
- Pulse
- Pug
- Pulsate
- Pummel
- Puke
- Pule
- Punctuate
- Pup
- Puree
- Pur
- Punt
- Pythagorize
- Pyne
Top 10 verbs that start with P with Question Examples
Play - Do you want to play a game?
Perform - Can you perform a magic trick?
Paint - Have you ever painted a picture?
Prepare - What are you preparing for dinner tonight?
Ponder - Why do you ponder life's mysteries?
Plead - Will you plead your case in court?
Pray - Do you pray before bedtime?
Proclaim - What did the leader proclaim in their speech?
Propose - When do you plan to propose to your partner?
Push - Could you help me push this heavy object?
Top 10 Positive Verbs that Start with P with Examples
Persist - He persisted in his efforts to succeed.
Procrastinate - Don't procrastinate; start your work now.
Pretend - She can pretend to be anyone she wants in her acting career.
Plagiarize - He was accused of plagiarizing someone else's work.
Pout - She would pout when she didn't get her way.
Protest - They protested peacefully for social justice.
Panic - In an emergency, try not to panic; stay calm.
Prejudice - We should not let prejudice affect our judgments.
Pester - Children often pester their parents for toys.
Plunder - Pirates would often plunder ships for treasure.
Top 10 Verbs that Start with P with Negative Examples
Persist -She refused to persist in her studies, leading to poor grades.
Procrastinate - Procrastinating on your assignments can lead to missed deadlines.
Pretend -Don't pretend to be someone you're not; it's not honest.
Plagiarize - Plagiarizing in academic writing is a serious offense.
Pout - It's childish to pout when things don't go your way.
Protest - Some protesters turned violent during the demonstration.
Panic - Panic can lead to poor decision-making in critical situations.
Prejudice - Prejudice can lead to discrimination and inequality.
Pester - Constantly pestering someone can be annoying.
Plunder - Plundering is considered a criminal act on the high seas.
The Top of common verbs beginning with the letter 'P' are mentioned. likewise, numerous fresh English verbs begin with this letter. Visit our Spoken English Conversation to learn further about them.
You can also read our for numerous helpful hints on how to enhance your English vocabulary, alphabet, and pronunciation. I hope these exemplifications are helpful!