Top Verbs That Starting With P With Examples

Top Verbs That Starting With P With Examples

Below are examples of the Top Verbs That Starting With "P" With Examples including action verbs, positive verbs, strong verbs, question verbs, and negative verbs:

Top 10 verbs that start with P with examples

Ponder - She spent hours pondering the meaning of life.

Procrastinate - He tends to procrastinate when it comes to completing assignments.

Persist - Despite the obstacles, she persisted in achieving her goals.

Pretend - The children like to pretend they're pirates on the playground.

Perceive - People may perceive situations differently based on their experiences.

Praise - He wanted to praise her for her hard work and dedication.

Paddle - They decided to paddle across the serene lake.

Promote - The company plans to promote several employees this year.

Plant - They wanted to plant flowers in their garden this spring.

Persuade - She tried to persuade him to join the hiking trip.

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Top Verbs That Starting With P With Examples

Top 10 Action verbs that start with P with Examples

Pounce - The cat pounced on the mouse.

Push - He pushed the heavy door open.

Pull - She pulled the rope to raise the flag.

Paddle - They paddled their canoe down the river.

Play - The children played in the park.

Pray - She prayed for good health.

Paint - He painted a beautiful landscape.

Plant - They planted flowers in the garden.

Punch - He punched the boxing bag with force.

Protest - The citizens protested against the new law.

370+ List of Verbs that Start with P

  1. Promote
  2. Publish
  3. Put
  4. Precut
  5. Prepay
  6. Participate
  7. Pay
  8. Penetrate
  9. Perceive
  10. Persist
  11. Persuade
  12. Place
  13. Plan
  14. Pledge
  15. Pause
  16. Preserve
  17. Punish
  18. Push
  19. Pour
  20. Paint
  21. Park
  22. Part
  23. Pass
  24. Paste
  25. Peel
  26. Perform
  27. Permit
  28. Pick
  29. Pinch
  30. Play
  31. Plug
  32. Point
  33. Practise
  34. Pray
  35. Prepare
  36. Press
  37. Pretend
  38. Prevent
  39. Print
  40. Produce
  41. Promise
  42. Protect
  43. Provide
  44. Pull
  45. Punch
  46. Pop
  47. Pose
  48. Possess
  49. Post
  50. Praise
  51. Prefer
  52. Present
  53. Proceed
  54. Prohibit
  55. Prompt
  56. Propose
  57. Prove
  58. Purchase
  59. Pursue
  60. Pace
  61. Pacify
  62. Pack
  63. Pact
  64. Pad
  65. Paddle
  66. Padlock
  67. Pain
  68. Paint
  69. Pair
  70. Palaver
  71. Palliate
  72. Palm
  73. Pamper
  74. Pan
  75. Panel
  76. Pant
  77. Parade
  78. Paralyse
  79. Paralyze
  80. Paraphrase
  81. Pardon
  82. Pare
  83. Park
  84. Parley
  85. Parody
  86. Part
  87. Participate
  88. Particularize
  89. Partition
  90. Pass
  91. Paste
  92. Pasteurize
  93. Pasture
  94. Program
  95. Pump
  96. Puncture
  97. Penalized
  98. Precluded
  99. Permitted
  100. Pervading
  101. Purled
  102. Perforated
  103. Posted
  104. Personified
  105. Presaged
  106. Pleased
  107. Patrolled
  108. Paralyze
  109. Polling
  110. Pleasure
  111. Pinpointed
  112. Propelled
  113. Purchased
  114. Pat
  115. Patch
  116. Patent
  117. Patrol
  118. Patronize
  119. Patter
  120. Pause
  121. Pave
  122. Paw
  123. Pay
  124. Pearl
  125. Peck
  126. Pedal
  127. Peddle
  128. Peek
  129. Peel
  130. Peep
  131. Peg
  132. Penalize
  133. Penetrate
  134. Pension
  135. Pepper
  136. Perceive
  137. Perch
  138. Percolate
  139. Peregrinate
  140. Perfect
  141. Perforate
  142. Perform
  143. Perfume
  144. Perish
  145. Perk
  146. Permeate
  147. Permit
  148. Perpetrate
  149. Perpetuate
  150. Persecute
  151. Persevere
  152. Persist
  153. Personalize
  154. Personify
  155. Perspire
  156. Persuade
  157. Pertain
  158. Perturb
  159. Peruse
  160. Pervade
  161. Pervert
  162. Pester
  163. Pet
  164. Peter
  165. Petition
  166. Petrify
  167. Philosophize
  168. Phone
  169. Phosphorate
  170. Photograph
  171. Phrase
  172. Pick
  173. Picket
  174. Picture
  175. Pierce
  176. Pack
  177. Paddle
  178. Pat
  179. Peck
  180. Pedal
  181. Peep
  182. Phone
  183. Pine
  184. Plant
  185. Please
  186. Poke
  187. Polish
  188. Preach
  189. Precede
  190. Prick
  191. Polished
  192. Predicted
  193. Positioned
  194. Publicized
  195. Proposed
  196. Partnered
  197. Published
  198. Piloted
  199. Prioritized
  200. Printed
  201. Produced
  202. Palliate
  203. Pamphlet
  204. Palate
  205. Palisade
  206. Palpate
  207. Palter
  208. Padlock
  209. Pact
  210. Palaver
  211. Pamphleteer
  212. Paladiumize
  213. Pace
  214. Pamper
  215. Palisado
  216. Palatinate
  217. Paganize
  218. Palatalize
  219. Palmer
  220. Palsy
  221. Pacify
  222. Pageant
  223. Pairing
  224. Pal
  225. Palp
  226. Pall
  227. Pale
  228. Palpitate
  229. Pad
  230. Pent
  231. Pedestrianize
  232. Pearl
  233. Pell
  234. Peenge
  235. Pectize
  236. Peninsulate
  237. Peal
  238. Penalize
  239. Pendulate
  240. Peak
  241. Pedagogue
  242. Peculiarize
  243. Peer
  244. Peculate
  245. Pend
  246. Peise
  247. Peen
  248. Pedantize
  249. Pelt
  250. Penance
  251. Peek
  252. Peptonize
  253. Phlogisticate
  254. Philosophize
  255. Pheese
  256. Phrensy
  257. Phosphorize
  258. Philippize
  259. Philander
  260. Physiognomize
  261. Phosphorate
  262. Phosphoresce
  263. Phonetize
  264. Physiologize
  265. Philologize
  266. Phlebotomize
  267. Ping
  268. Pillorize
  269. Pinnacle
  270. Pip
  271. Pike
  272. Pipeclay
  273. Pin
  274. Pierce
  275. Pickle
  276. Pimp
  277. Pilgrim
  278. Pliant
  279. Plait
  280. Planch
  281. Plane
  282. Plate
  283. Platonize
  284. Plague
  285. Platinize
  286. Plaster
  287. Pliable
  288. Plein
  289. Plateau
  290. Plain
  291. Plat
  292. Plead
  293. Plebeianize
  294. Plenish
  295. Plagiary
  296. Plank
  297. Plash
  298. Planish
  299. Platitudinize
  300. Plancher
  301. Pleat
  302. Plagiarize
  303. Pontificate
  304. Poetize
  305. Polytheize
  306. Polygamize
  307. Ponderate
  308. Pole
  309. Ponder
  310. Poach
  311. Pollenize
  312. Pollinate
  313. Poise
  314. Pomp
  315. Pollute
  316. Poniard
  317. Pollard
  318. Polarize
  319. Pommel
  320. Polymerize
  321. Preclude
  322. Preacquaint
  323. Precompose
  324. Precalculate
  325. Precept
  326. Practice
  327. Praetermit
  328. Preamble
  329. Prattle
  330. Prank
  331. Prebendate
  332. Preachify
  333. Preact
  334. Pragmatize
  335. Precaution
  336. Precipitate
  337. Preambulate
  338. Practicalize
  339. Preconceive
  340. Prate
  341. Prearm
  342. Precogitate
  343. Preadvertise
  344. Psalm
  345. Pshaw
  346. Psalmodize
  347. Pudder
  348. Pugging
  349. Pupate
  350. Pumicate
  351. Punter
  352. Pucker
  353. Pulp
  354. Pugger
  355. Publicize
  356. Pulverize
  357. Pulley
  358. Pungent
  359. Pue
  360. Pulverate
  361. Pyritize
  362. Pulse
  363. Pug
  364. Pulsate
  365. Pummel
  366. Puke
  367. Pule
  368. Punctuate
  369. Pup
  370. Puree
  371. Pur
  372. Punt
  373. Pythagorize
  374. Pyne

Top 10 verbs that start with P with Question Examples

Play - Do you want to play a game?

Perform - Can you perform a magic trick?

Paint - Have you ever painted a picture?

Prepare - What are you preparing for dinner tonight?

Ponder - Why do you ponder life's mysteries?

Plead - Will you plead your case in court?

Pray - Do you pray before bedtime?

Proclaim - What did the leader proclaim in their speech?

Propose - When do you plan to propose to your partner?

Push - Could you help me push this heavy object?

Top 10 Positive Verbs that Start with P with Examples

Persist - He persisted in his efforts to succeed.

Procrastinate - Don't procrastinate; start your work now.

Pretend - She can pretend to be anyone she wants in her acting career.

Plagiarize - He was accused of plagiarizing someone else's work.

Pout - She would pout when she didn't get her way.

Protest - They protested peacefully for social justice.

Panic - In an emergency, try not to panic; stay calm.

Prejudice - We should not let prejudice affect our judgments.

Pester - Children often pester their parents for toys.

Plunder - Pirates would often plunder ships for treasure.

Top 10 Verbs that Start with P with Negative Examples

Persist -She refused to persist in her studies, leading to poor grades.

Procrastinate - Procrastinating on your assignments can lead to missed deadlines.

Pretend -Don't pretend to be someone you're not; it's not honest.

Plagiarize - Plagiarizing in academic writing is a serious offense.

Pout - It's childish to pout when things don't go your way.

Protest - Some protesters turned violent during the demonstration.

Panic - Panic can lead to poor decision-making in critical situations.

Prejudice - Prejudice can lead to discrimination and inequality.

Pester - Constantly pestering someone can be annoying.

Plunder - Plundering is considered a criminal act on the high seas.


The Top of common verbs beginning with the letter 'P' are mentioned. likewise, numerous fresh English verbs begin with this letter. Visit our Spoken English Conversation to learn further about them.

You can also read our for numerous helpful hints on how to enhance your English vocabulary, alphabet, and pronunciation. I hope these exemplifications are helpful!

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