Top Verbs That Starting With E With Examples

Top Verbs That Starting With E With Examples

Top Verbs That Starting With E With Examples.Here are 5 examples of verb forms starting with "E" including action verbs, positive verbs, strong verbs, question verbs, and negative Verbs.

top 10 verbs that start with E with examples

Eat- She loves to eat pizza on Fridays.

Exercise- I need to exercise more to stay healthy.

Entertain- The magician will entertain the audience with his tricks.

Expand- The company plans to expand its operations globally.

Explore- They want to explore the jungle during their vacation.

Examine- The doctor will examine your condition thoroughly.

Explain- Can you explain how this machine works?

Escape- The prisoner managed to escape from the prison.

Emerge- The sun will emerge from behind the clouds soon.

Educate- Teachers educate students to prepare them for the future.

Top 10 Action verbs that start with E with examples

Elevate- She used a ladder to elevate herself and reach the top shelf.

Eradicate- The government aims to eradicate poverty in the country.

Explore- They decided to explore the uncharted forest to discover new species.

Execute- The chef will execute the recipe precisely to create a delicious dish.

Examine- The doctor will examine your symptoms to make a diagnosis.

Exceed- He always strives to exceed his sales targets.

Excite- The surprise party will excite her when she walks in.

Extract- They will extract the valuable minerals from the earth.

Entertain- The comedian's performance will entertain the audience.

Evoke- The painting has the power to evoke strong emotions in viewers.

Top 10 verbs that start with E with Question examples

Eat- What did you eat for breakfast?

Exercise- How often do you exercise?

Explore- Where would you like to explore next?

Explain- Can you explain this concept to me?

Earn- How much money did you earn this month?

Entertain- What kind of activities entertain you?

Evaluate- How do you evaluate your performance at work?

Examine- Why did the doctor need to examine you?

Edit- Could you please edit this document for me?

Enjoy- What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

Top 10 positive verbs that start with E with examples

Empower- She empowered her team to make important decisions.

Encourage- I always encourage my friends to pursue their dreams.

Energize- A good night's sleep can energize you for the day ahead.

Enlighten- The teacher sought to enlighten her students about the wonders of science.

Enrich- Traveling can enrich your life by exposing you to new cultures.

Elevate- Their support helped elevate my confidence.

Enjoy- I enjoy spending time with my family on weekends.

Excite- The news of the promotion excited everyone in the office.

Embrace- It's important to embrace change and adapt to new situations.

Elate- Winning the competition elated him beyond words.

Top 10 verbs that start with E with Negative Examples

Eat- She refused to eat her vegetables.

Entertain- He failed to entertain the bored children.

Explore- They were too scared to explore the dark cave.

Explain- He couldn't explain the complex theory.

Exercise- She skipped her exercise routine today.

Experience- He never wants to experience that pain again.

Elevate- The broken elevator couldn't elevate them.

Emerge- She didn't expect him to emerge as the winner.

Empower- The strict rules seemed to disempower the employees.

Erupt- Fortunately, the volcano didn't erupt during their visit.

Top Verbs That Starting With E With Examples

350+ List of Verbs that begin with E

  1. Ean
  2. Ear
  3. Earmark
  4. Earn
  5. Earnest
  6. Earth
  7. Earwig
  8. Ease
  9. East
  10. Easter
  11. Easy
  12. Eat
  13. Ebb
  14. Ebonize
  15. Ebulliate
  16. Ecchymose
  17. Ecclesiastic
  18. Eccoriate
  19. Echelon
  20. Echo
  21. Eclaircise
  22. Eclaircissement
  23. Eclipse
  24. Economize
  25. Ecstasy
  26. Edder
  27. Eddy
  28. Edge
  29. Edify
  30. Edit
  31. Editorialize
  32. Edituate
  33. Educate
  34. Educe
  35. Edulcorate
  36. Eek
  37. Eeke
  38. Efface
  39. Effascinate
  40. Effect
  41. Effectuate
  42. Effeminate
  43. Effeminize
  44. Effervesce
  45. Effierce
  46. Effigiate
  47. Efflagitate
  48. Efflate
  49. Effloresce
  50. Efflorescent
  51. Efflower
  52. Effluviate
  53. Efflux
  54. Efforce
  55. Efform
  56. Effort
  57. Effranchise
  58. Effray
  59. Effront
  60. Effulge
  61. Effume
  62. Effund
  63. Effuse
  64. Egerminate
  65. Egest
  66. Egg
  67. Egger
  68. Eglomerate
  69. Egotize
  70. Egress
  71. Egyptize
  72. Ejaculate
  73. Eject
  74. Eke
  75. Elaborate
  76. Elance
  77. Elapse
  78. Elaqueate
  79. Elate
  80. Elbow
  81. Eld
  82. Elect
  83. Electioneer
  84. Electrify
  85. Electrize
  86. Electrocute
  87. Electrolyze
  88. Electroplate
  89. Electrotonize
  90. Electrotype
  91. Elegize
  92. Element
  93. Elenchize
  94. Elevate
  95. Elf
  96. Elicit
  97. Elicitate
  98. Elide
  99. Elimate
  100. Eliminate
  101. Elinguate
  102. Elix
  103. Elixate
  104. Eloign
  105. Eloignate
  106. Eloin
  107. Eloinate
  108. Elong
  109. Elongate
  110. Elope
  111. Elucidate
  112. Eluctate
  113. Elucubrate
  114. Elude
  115. Emacerate
  116. Emaciate
  117. Emaculate
  118. Emanate
  119. Emancipate
  120. Emarginate
  121. Emasculate
  122. Embace
  123. Embale
  124. Emball
  125. Embalm
  126. Embank
  127. Embar
  128. Embarge
  129. Embargo
  130. Embark
  131. Embarrass
  132. Embase
  133. Embasement
  134. Embastardize
  135. Embathe
  136. Embattail
  137. Embattle
  138. Embay
  139. Embeam
  140. Embed
  141. Embellish
  142. Embetter
  143. Embezzle
  144. Embillow
  145. Embitter
  146. Emblanch
  147. Emblaze
  148. Emblazon
  149. Emblem
  150. Emblematize
  151. Emblemize
  152. Embloom
  153. Emblossom
  154. Enable
  155. Enact
  156. Enambush
  157. Enamel
  158. Enamor
  159. Enarch
  160. Enavigate
  161. Enbibe
  162. Enbroude
  163. Encage
  164. Encalendar
  165. Encamp
  166. Encanker
  167. Encapsulate
  168. Encarnalize
  169. Encase
  170. Encash
  171. Encave
  172. Enchafe
  173. Enchain
  174. Enchair
  175. Enchannel
  176. Enchant
  177. Encharge
  178. Enchase
  179. Enchasten
  180. Enchest
  181. Enchisel
  182. Encircle
  183. Enclasp
  184. Enclave
  185. Enclitic
  186. Enclitical
  187. Encloister
  188. Enclose
  189. Enclothe
  190. Encloud
  191. Encoach
  192. Encoffin
  193. Encolden
  194. Epicurize
  195. Epidermis
  196. Epigrammatize
  197. Epilogize
  198. Epiloguize
  199. Episcopate
  200. Episcopize
  201. Epistle
  202. Epistolize
  203. Epitaph
  204. Epithet
  205. Epitomize
  206. Equal
  207. Equalize
  208. Equate
  209. Equibalance
  210. Equilibrate
  211. Equip
  212. Equiparate
  213. Equipensate
  214. Equiponderate
  215. Equivalence
  216. Equivalent
  217. Equivalue
  218. Equivocate
  219. Eradiate
  220. Eradicate
  221. Erase
  222. Ere
  223. Erect
  224. Ergat
  225. Erme
  226. Ermine
  227. Ern
  228. Erode
  229. Erogate
  230. Err
  231. Eruct
  232. Eructate
  233. Erudiate
  234. Erupt
  235. Escalade
  236. Escape
  237. Escarp
  238. Escheat
  239. Eschew
  240. Escort
  241. Escot
  242. Esloin
  243. Espalier
  244. Espouse
  245. Espy
  246. Esquire
  247. Essay
  248. Essence
  249. Essentiate
  250. Establish
  251. Estate
  252. Esteem
  253. Estimate
  254. Estimation
  255. Estop
  256. Estrange
  257. Estrangle
  258. Estray
  259. Estreat
  260. Estrepe
  261. Estuate
  262. Etch
  263. Etching
  264. Eternalize
  265. Eternify
  266. Eternize
  267. Etherealize
  268. Etherize
  269. Etiolate
  270. Ettle
  271. Etymologize
  272. Euchre
  273. Euhemerize
  274. Eulogize
  275. Eunuch
  276. Eunuchate
  277. Euphemize
  278. Euphonize
  279. Euphuize
  280. Euripize
  281. Europeanize
  282. Evacate
  283. Evacuate
  284. Evade
  285. Evaluate
  286. Evanesce
  287. Evangelize
  288. Evanish
  289. Evaporate
  290. Even
  291. Evene
  292. Event
  293. Eventerate
  294. Eventilate
  295. Eventuate
  296. Everse
  297. Evert
  298. Evesdrop
  299. Evestigate
  300. Evibrate
  301. Evict
  302. Evidence
  303. Evince
  304. Evirate
  305. Eviscerate
  306. Evitate
  307. Evite
  308. Evocate
  309. Evoke
  310. Evolve
  311. Evomit
  312. Evulgate
  313. Exacerbate
  314. Exacinate
  315. Exact
  316. Exacuate
  317. Exaggerate
  318. Exagitate
  319. Exalt
  320. Examine
  321. Example
  322. Exanimate
  323. Exantlate
  324. Exarate
  325. Exasperate
  326. Exauctorate
  327. Exaugurate
  328. Exauthorate
  329. Exauthorize
  330. Excalceate
  331. Excamb
  332. Excambie
  333. Excarnate
  334. Excarnificate
  335. Excavate
  336. Excave
  337. Excecate
  338. Excedent
  339. Exceed
  340. Excel
  341. Excelsior
  342. Except
  343. Excern
  344. Excerpt
  345. Exchange
  346. Exchequer
  347. Excide
  348. Excipient
  349. Excise
  350. Excitate
  351. Excite
  352. Exclaim

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