Top Verbs That Starting With R With Examples
Below are examples of the top verb that starting with the letter "R" including action verbs, positive verbs, strong verbs, question verbs, and negative verbs and top 10 Verb.
Top 10 verbs that start with "R" with Examples
Run - She likes to run in the park every morning.
Read - I enjoy reading books in my free time.
Relax - After a long day, I like to relax by watching TV.
Reach - He reached the summit of the mountain after hours of climbing.
Recycle - Please recycle your plastic bottles to help the environment.
Repair - The mechanic will repair your car's engine.
Reflect - She took a moment to reflect on her decisions.
Roam - The children like to roam around the neighborhood after school.
Remember - I always remember to lock the door before leaving the house.
Risk - He decided to risk everything to follow his dreams.
Explore more verbs that start with:
Top 10 Action Verbs that Start with "R" with Examples
Run - She likes to run every morning to stay fit.
Ride - He will ride his bike to the park this afternoon.
Read - I plan to read that new book over the weekend.
Reach - She reached for the top shelf to grab a jar.
Revise - He needs to revise his essay before submitting it.
Roar - The lion began to roar loudly in the jungle.
Rotate - The Earth rotates on its axis once every hours.
Recycle - We should recycle our plastic bottles to help the environment.
Rip - He accidentally ripped his jeans while climbing.
Reflect - The calm lake reflects the mountains beautifully.
Top 10 verbs that start with "R" with Question Examples
Run - Did you see him run in the race?
Read - Have you read that book before?
Write - What do you like to write about in your journal?
Ride - Have you ever ridden a horse?
Reach - Can you reach that top shelf for me?
Remember - Do you remember your first day of school?
Relax - How do you like to relax after a long day?
Respond - How quickly can you respond to emails?
Run out - Did you run out of milk?
Reflect - What do you like to reflect on when you're alone?
Top 10 Positive Verbs that Start with R with Examples
Radiate - She radiates confidence wherever she goes.
Rejoice - We all rejoice in the success of our team.
Renew - They decided to renew their commitment to the project.
Refresh - A short break can refresh your mind and body.
Revitalize - The new management team aims to revitalize the company.
Revive - His passion for painting was revived after a long hiatus.
Respect - It's important to respect the opinions of others.
Restore - The volunteers helped restore the historical building.
Reward - Hard work is often rewarded with success.
Rejuvenate - A spa day can rejuvenate your spirit and energy.
top 10 verbs that start with "R" with Negative Examples
Run - He didn't run fast enough to catch the bus.
Read - She refused to read the boring book.
Ride - They couldn't ride the roller coaster due to heightrestrictions.
Relax - He couldn't relax because of the noisy neighbors.
Rebel - They decided not to rebel against the unjust rule.
Reject - The company decided to reject his job application.
Ruin - Heavy rain can ruin a picnic.
Resist - She couldn't resist eating the last piece of cake.
Revise - He didn't have time to revise for the exam.
Rob - Stealing is wrong, so he didn't rob the store.

410+ List of Verbs that Begin with R
- Race
- Rack
- Radiate
- Radicalize
- Raffle
- Rage
- Raid
- Rail
- Rain
- Raise
- Rake
- Rally
- Ramble
- Ramify
- Ramp
- Ransack
- Rant
- Rap
- Rape
- Rappel
- Rapture
- Rarefy
- Rash
- Rasp
- Rat
- Ratchet
- Rate
- Ratify
- Ration
- Rationalize
- Rattle
- Ravage
- Rave
- Ravel
- Ravish
- Raze
- Reabsorb
- Reacclimate
- Reach
- React
- Reactivate
- Read
- Readjust
- Readmit
- Reaffirm
- Realign
- Realize
- Ream
- Reanimate
- Reap
- Reappear
- Reapply
- Reappraise
- Rear
- Rearm
- Rearrange
- Reascend
- Reason
- Reassemble
- Reassess
- Reassign
- Reassume
- Reassure
- Reattach
- Reawaken
- Rebaptize
- Rebate
- Rebel
- Rebind
- Reboot
- Rebound
- Rebrand
- Rebuff
- Rebuild
- Rebuke
- Recalibrate
- Recall
- Recap
- Recapitulate
- Recapture
- Recast
- Recede
- Receive
- Recharge
- Recheck
- Rechristen
- Reciprocate
- Recite
- Reck
- Reckon
- Reclaim
- Recline
- Recluse
- Recognize
- Recoil
- Recollect
- Recommence
- Recommend
- Recompose
- Reconcile
- Reconfigure
- Reconfirm
- Reconnect
- Reconnoiter
- Reconquer
- Reconsider
- Reconsolidate
- Reconstruct
- Reconvert
- Record
- Recount
- Recoup
- Recover
- Recreate
- Recriminate
- Recross
- Recruit
- Rectify
- Recuperate
- Recur
- Recut
- Recycle
- Redact
- Redden
- Redeem
- Redefine
- Redeploy
- Redesign
- Redial
- Redirect
- Rediscover
- Redistribute
- Redo
- Redouble
- Redound
- Redraft
- Redraw
- Reduce
- Reeducate
- Reek
- Reel
- Reembark
- Reemerge
- Reenact
- Reengage
- Reengineer
- Reenlist
- Reenter
- Reerect
- Reestablish
- Reevaluate
- Reexamine
- Refashion
- Refer
- Refill
- Refine
- Refit
- Reflect
- Refocus
- Reform
- Refract
- Refrain
- Refresh
- Refrigerate
- Refuel
- Refund
- Refurbish
- Refurnish
- Refuse
- Refute
- Regain
- Regale
- Regard
- Regenerate
- Regild
- Register
- Regraft
- Regress
- Regret
- Regrind
- Regularize
- Regulate
- Regurgitate
- Rehabilitate
- Rehearse
- Reheat
- Rehouse
- Reify
- Reign
- Reignite
- Reimburse
- Reimpose
- Rein
- Reincorporate
- Reinforce
- Reinsert
- Reinstall
- Reinstate
- Reinsure
- Reintegrate
- Reinterpret
- Reintroduce
- Reinvest
- Reinvigorate
- Reissue
- Reiterate
- Reject
- Rejoice
- Rejoin
- Rejuvenate
- Rekindle
- Relapse
- Relate
- Relax
- Relay
- Relearn
- Release
- Relegate
- Relent
- Relieve
- Relinquish
- Relish
- Reload
- Relocate
- Rely
- Remain
- Remake
- Remand
- Remark
- Remarry
- Remedy
- Remelt
- Remember
- Remind
- Reminisce
- Remit
- Remodel
- Remount
- Remove
- Remunerate
- Rename
- Render
- Renegotiate
- Renew
- Renounce
- Renovate
- Rent
- Reoccupy
- Reopen
- Repack
- Repaint
- Repair
- Repay
- Repeal
- Repeat
- Repel
- Repent
- Rephrase
- Replace
- Replant
- Replay
- Replenish
- Replicate
- Reply
- Repolish
- Report
- Repossess
- Represent
- Repress
- Reprieve
- Reprimand
- Reprint
- Reproach
- Reprobate
- Reproduce
- Reproof
- Reprove
- Reptile
- Republicanize
- Republish
- Repudiate
- Repute
- Request
- Require
- Reread
- Reschedule
- Rescue
- Research
- Reseat
- Resell
- Resemble
- Reserve
- Reset
- Resettle
- Reshape
- Reside
- Resign
- Resile
- Resist
- Resole
- Resolve
- Resort
- Resound
- Resow
- Respect
- Respire
- Respond
- Rest
- Restart
- Restate
- Restore
- Restrain
- Restrict
- Result
- Resume
- Resupply
- Resurface
- Resurrect
- Resuscitate
- Retail
- Retain
- Retake
- Retaliate
- Retire
- Retort
- Retouch
- Retrace
- Retract
- Retranslate
- Retrieve
- Retrofit
- Retrograde
- Retry
- Return
- Reunite
- Reuse
- Reveal
- Revel
- Revere
- Reverence
- Reverse
- Revert
- Review
- Revile
- Revise
- Revisit
- Revitalize
- Revive
- Revoke
- Revolt
- Revolutionize
- Reward
- Rewire
- Rework
- Rezone
- Rhapsodize
- Rhyme
- Rib
- Ribbon
- Richen
- Rid
- Ride
- Ridge
- Ridicule
- Ridiculize
- Riffle
- Rifle
- Rig
- Ring
- Rinse
- Riot
- Rip
- Ripen
- Ripple
- Rise
- Risk
- Rival
- Rivet
- Roam
- Roar
- Roast
- Rob
- Rock
- Rocket
- Roll
- Rollick
- Romance
- Romanize
- Romp
- Roost
- Root
- Rope
- Rot
- Rotate
- Rouge
- Rough
- Round
- Rouse
- Rout
- Row
- Rub
- Rubberstamp
- Ruck
- Ruffle
- Ruin
- Rule
- Rumble
- Ruminate
- Rummage
- Rumor
- Run
- Runaway
- Rush
- Rust
- Rustle
The Top of common verbs beginning with the letter 'R' are mentioned. likewise, numerous fresh English verbs begin with this letter. Visit our Spoken English Conversation to learn further about them.
You can also read our for numerous helpful hints on how to enhance your English vocabulary, alphabet, and pronunciation. I hope these exemplifications are helpful!