Top Verbs That Starting With J With Examples
Top 10 Verbs That Starting With J With Examples: including action verbs, positive verbs, strong verbs, question verbs, and negative verbs.
Top 10 verbs that start with J with Examples
Jump - She likes to jump on the trampoline.
Jog - He jogs in the park every morning.
Juggle - Sarah can juggle three balls at once.
Join - Will you join us for dinner tonight?
Judge - It's not fair to judge people based on appearances.
Jam - The traffic jam delayed our arrival.
Jerk - He jerked the cord to turn off the light.
Jolt - The sudden noise jolted me awake.
Jest - They like to jest and tell jokes.
Justify - Can you justify your decision to the team?
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Top 10 Action verbs that start with J with Examples
Jump - He likes to jump off the diving board at the pool.
Jog - She decided to jog around the park for her morning exercise.
Juggle - He can juggle three balls at once.
Judge - It's not fair to judge someone based on their appearance.
Jam - They had to jam the brakes to avoid a collision.
Jolt - The sudden earthquake jolted the entire city.
Jab - He used his boxing skills to jab at his opponent.
Jive - They love to jive to the rhythm of swing music.
Jet - The plane will jet off to its destination in a few minutes.
Jaw - She had to jaw with her colleagues about the project's progress.
120+ List of Verbs that start with J
- Job
- Jockey
- Jog
- Joggle
- Join
- Joinder
- Joint
- Joist
- Joke
- Jole
- Joll
- Jollify
- Jolly
- Jab
- Jabber
- Jack
- Jacket
- Jail-break
- Jam
- Jamb
- Jampack
- Jangle
- Jant
- Jap
- Japan
- Jape
- Jar
- Jarble
- Jargle
- Jargon
- Jasperize
- Jaunce
- Jaundice
- Jaunt
- Javelin
- Jaw
- Jawbone
- Jawn
- Jaywalk
- Jazz
- Jazzify
- Jee
- Jackhammer
- Jack-knife
- Jacklight
- Jackrabbit
- Jacobinize
- Jaculate
- Jacuzzi
- Jade
- Jag
- Jagg
- Jail
- Jeer
- Jeff
- Jell
- Jellify
- Jelly
- Jemmy
- Jeopard
- Jeopardise
- Jeopardize
- Jeopardy
- Jerk
- Jerry-build
- Jest
- Jet
- Jet-ski
- Jettison
- Jetty
- Jew
- Jewel
- Jib
- Jibe
- Jig
- Jigger
- Jiggle
- Jillick
- Jilt
- Jimmy
- Jingle
- Jinx
- Jitter
- Jive
- Jizz
- Jolt
- Josh
- Jostle
- Jot
- Jouk
- Joul
- Jounce
- Journal
- Journalize
- Journey
- Joust
- Jowl
- Joy
- Joy-pop
- Joyride
- Jubilate
- Judaize
- Judder
- Judge
- Judgment
- Judicable
- Jug
- Juggle
- Jugulate
- Juice
- Juke
- Julienne
- Jumar
- Jumble
- Jump
- Jump-start
- Jumpweld
- Junk
- Junket
- Junketeer
- Jury
- Justice
- Justify
- Justle
- Jut
- Jutty
- Juxtapose
- Juxtaposit
Top 10 verbs that start with J with Question Examples
Jump - Did you see him jump over the fence?
Jog - How often do you jog in the park?
Juggle - Can you juggle three balls at once?
Join - Will you join us for dinner tonight?
Judge - How do you judge the quality of this artwork?
Jest - Can you share a jest or funny story with us?
Jolt - Did the sudden loud noise jolt you awake?
Jab - Have you ever had to jab someone with a needle?
Jerk - Why did he jerk the steering wheel so suddenly?
Jeer - Did anyone jeer at the speaker during the presentation?
Top 10 Positive verbs that start with J with Examples
Joy - She joyfully celebrated her birthday with friends.
Jump - The children jumped with excitement when they saw the ice cream truck.
Jubilate - The team jubilated after winning the championship.
Jovialize - His jokes always jovialize the atmosphere at parties.
Jollify - The decorations jollified the room for the holiday season.
Jettison - They decided to jettison the old equipment to make room for new technology.
Journey - They journeyed through the mountains to reach the remote village.
Jazz - The new paint color jazzed up the room.
Join - He decided to join the community garden to meet new people.
Justify - She tried to justify her actions in the meeting.
Top 10 verbs that start with J with Negative Examples
Jump - She didn't jump over the puddle.
Jog - He didn't jog in the morning.
Juggle - They couldn't juggle all the tasks.
Judge - I shouldn't judge others based on appearance.
Join - She didn't want to join the club.
Jest - He shouldn't jest about serious matters.
Jolt - The smooth ride didn't jolt us.
Jab - He didn't jab at the target accurately.
Jerk - She didn't jerk the steering wheel abruptly.
Jeopardize - He wouldn't jeopardize the project's success.
The Top of common verbs beginning with the letter 'B' are mentioned. likewise, numerous fresh English verbs begin with this letter. Visit our Spoken English Conversation to learn further about them.
You can also read our for numerous helpful hints on how to enhance your English vocabulary, alphabet, and pronunciation. I hope these exemplifications are helpful!