Top Verbs That Starting With B With Examples
List of the Top Verbs That Starting With L With Examples: active verb, affirmative verb, powerful verb, interrogative verb, and negative verb.
Top 10 verbs that start with "L" with examples
Laugh - She couldn't help but laugh at his joke.
Listen - Please listen carefully to what I'm saying.
Love - They love spending time together.
Lose - Don't lose your keys; they're important.
Lead - He will lead the team to victory.
Learn - We learn something new every day.
Look - Look at that beautiful sunset!
Lend - Can you lend me some money until next week?
Live - They live in a cozy little cottage.
Lament - She lamented the loss of her favorite book.
Explore more verbs that start with:

Top 10 action verbs that start with "L" with examples
Leap - The athlete leaped over the high jump bar.
Laugh - She couldn't help but laugh at the comedian's jokes.
Listen - Please listen carefully to the instructions before starting.
Lift - He had to lift the heavy box onto the shelf.
Love - They love spending time together on weekends.
Lament - She lamented the loss of her favorite book.
Lunge - The fencer lunged forward to score a point.
Locate - They tried to locate the missing keys in the house.
Light - She lit the candle to create a cozy atmosphere.
Launch - The rocket will launch into space tomorrow.
List of Verbs that Start with L
- Leave
- Like
- Live
- Love
- Legalize
- Lose
- Label
- Lace
- Lacerate
- Lack
- Lacquer
- List
- Listen
- Litigate
- Load
- Loathe
- Localize
- Locate
- Lock
- Lodge
- Log
- Loiter
- Loll
- Long
- Look
- Loom
- Loosen
- Lord
- Lower
- Lubricate
- Lull
- Lunch
- Lure
- Lust
- Lag
- Lamb
- Lament
- Laminate
- Lampoon
- Land
- Languish
- Lap
- Lard
- Lark
- Lash
- Last
- Latch
- Lath
- Lather
- Latinize
- Laugh
- Launch
- Lavish
- Lay
- Lead
- Leaf
- Leak
- Lean
- Leap
- Learn
- Lease
- Lecture
- Legislate
- Legitimate
- Legitimize
- Lend
- Lengthen
- Lessen
- Let
- Level
- Levitate
- Levy
- Libel
- Liberalize
- Liberate
- Lick
- Lie
- Lift
- Light
- Lighten
- Limber
- Lime
- Limit
- Limp
- Line
- Link
- Liquidate
- Lisp
- Lute
- Lynch
- Leverage
- License
- Line-up
- Linger
- Loop
- Lounge
- Lurk
- Latches
- Leads
- Learned
- Lied
- Limps
- Lists
- Loped
- Loses
- Ladle
- Leash
- Leather
- Ligature
- Lige
- Logroll
- Lug
- Lux
- Lauded
- Launched
- Licensed
- Lifted
- Logged
- Lowered
- Linked
- Led
- Liven
- Lionize
- Lithe
- Luminate
- Luster
- Lustre
- Luxuriate
Top 10 verbs that start with "L," with question examples for each
Laugh - Why did he laugh so hard at the joke?
Learn - What did you learn from that experience?
Listen - Are you willing to listen to their side of the story?
Love - Have you ever loved someone deeply?
Live - How do you want to live your life to the fullest?
Lose - Did you lose your keys again?
Look - What are you looking for in that drawer?
Leave - When are you planning to leave for your vacation?
Like - Do you like the new restaurant in town?
Laugh - Why did he laugh so hard at the joke?
Top 10 verbs that start with "L" with negative examples
Love - She loves spending time with her family.
Laugh - The children laughed at the clown's antics.
Lose - She didn't want to lose the game.
Listen - Please listen carefully to the instructions.
Live - They live in a beautiful house.
Learn - I want to learn a new language.
Like - They like going to the beach.
Leave - Please don't leave me alone.
Lament - She lamented the loss of her favorite book.
Lock - Make sure to lock the door before leaving.
Top 10 verbs that start with "L" with negative examples
Love - She doesn't love broccoli.
Laugh - He didn't laugh at the movie's jokes.
Lose - He lost his keys yesterday.
Listen - He didn't listen to her advice.
Live - He doesn't live in this city anymore.
Learn - She didn't learn from her mistakes.
Like - He doesn't like spicy food.
Leave - He left his umbrella at home.
Lament - He didn't lament the decision to quit his job.
Lock - They didn't lock the gate last night.
The Top of common verbs beginning with the letter 'L' are mentioned. likewise, numerous fresh English verbs begin with this letter. Visit our Spoken English Conversation to learn further about them.
You can also read our for numerous helpful hints on how to enhance your English vocabulary, alphabet, and pronunciation. I hope these exemplifications are helpful!